Tag: spiralized

Spiralized Potato Shoestring Fries

Bought yesterday, I did, a Starfrit Spiralizer. Since Little Weed wanted to see how it worked his first choice, of course, was french fries.

Spiralized white potato was really simple to do. It looks but does not taste like pasta spaghetti. Photo by Don Tai, Toronto, Canada

Spiralized white potato was really simple to do. It looks but does not taste like pasta spaghetti. Photo by Don Tai, Toronto, Canada

I used the smallest shoestring blade, the spaghetti size, which turned out to be too small. Potatoes need a larger sized tube. It took only 8 minutes in my deep fryer but came out acceptably. There are shoestring french fry recipies out there that are baked rather than deep fried. I’ll try that next.