Tag: text

CSS Movement and Animation: Beginnings

I have been playing around with my dropcaps and came upon this reference:

The demos used here are very functional, but imagine the doors to decorative typography this could open up! In principle we’ll be free to use many familiar properties on the initial letter, including:

  • All familiar font properties
  • Color and opacity
  • Text-shadow and other text decoration
  • Transform properties
  • and how about some background-clip action?

This got me thinking about using css for movement in general. Which got me thinking about how movement using css, in the wrong hands, could really ruin the user experience.

First try with Drupal on Site5

So my plan is to eventually migrate my website DonTai.com from Doteasy to Site5. I’ll use Drupal on Site5. Originally I wanted to get Drupal running on Site5, and then change my domain registrar. This way I don’t get any downtime on my site, not that this matters.

Interestingly, using Fantastico it was very easy to create a Drupal web site in my root directory. Fine. Unknown to me is the fact that the Drupal site is configured to http://dontai.com, which still points to my original site on Doteasy. I therefore cannot get to the new Drupal site using my domain name.