Tag: translation
Quoting Wordsworth: English to Chinese to English
To me the meanest flower that blows can give thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears
在我看来,最卑微的华朵 都是思想,深藏 在眼泪达不到的地方
zai wokanlai, zui beiwei de huaduo doushisixiang, shencang zaiyanlei dabudao de difang华兹华斯 hua zi huasi Wordsworth
From what I see, the most humble blooms are thought, deep and hidden far beyond tears
Chinese Washing Machine, English Translation
Friend David is in China, struggling with the washing machine. Here’s some help! Many of these words are not commonly used and are specific to washing and clothing.
漂水 piao4shui3 = bleach 脱水 tuo1shui3 = dehydration, damp dry 排水 pai2shui3 = drain 带预洗 dai4yu4xi3 = prewash |
化纤 hua4xian4 = chemical fibers, man-made 樱儿服 ying1er2fu2 = baby 运动服 yun4dong4fu2 = sportswear 精细 jing1xi = fine 窗帘 chuang1lian2 = curtain 手洗 shou3xi3 = hand wash 羊毛 yang2mao3 = wool 准备 zhun3bei4 = prepare, start |