I gave Rogers the heave ho, for both cable and internet, and feel better for it. Scummy, predatory, their service was. Over the air TV has replaced cable. It is not what we are used to, but saves us over $70 each month. Overall I would say that we are much better off without Rogers cable.
Over the air (OTA) TV is not all fantastic, though I did not know all the disadvantages and underestimated the advantages. I will discuss all I learned. With OTA we get 17 channels, which includes a couple of duplicate HD and SD channels, a French channel, though it comes in stunning HD, and a religious channel, also in stunning HD.
We attended the Toronto Buskerfest on August 23 2012, on the Thursday because it was the cooler of the 4 day festival. I think we should have not attended the first day, because many of the acts seemed to not have arrived into Toronto yet. There was little juggling or unicycling, though still lots of comedy.
Jackie Wise from Ireland, magician, Toronto Buskerfest 2012, Toronto, Canada. Photo by Don Tai