It should have been easy. After all, I had successfully installed its base components on another partition, but no, it did not go well. I have an old P3 800, 500mb ram desktop of circa 2003 vintage, so 14 years old. Bohdi Linux is supposed to be a lightweight distro for old computers. It did not install very well on my old biddy.
Bohdi Linux 4.2.0 Legacy is 32 bit and runs on a base of Debian Linux 8 or 9, with an Enlightenment E17 desktop environment. On top of this Bohdi Linux packages things up, adds its own flavouring and spices, and is supposed to be a low spec distro. Here are its install requirements:
Puppy Linux Tahr 5.0.6 fits into 1G of disk space and runs well on only 500mb of RAM on an old XP box.
After playing with Puppy Linux, both the Slacko and Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr version, on CD, I decided to install Puppy Linux Tahr 6.0.5 as a dual boot alongside Win XP. The instructions online are not crystal clear to me, and left me somewhat puzzled, stomach ill at ease. Let me explain the process.
Puppy Linux can be used quite readily from your CD or USB stick. You need to boot up and then configure. I decided to dual boot install it on an old Win XP box, one with only 500mb ram.