Tag: failure

Royal 1212x Paper Shredder: Forensic Analysis

Royal 1212x paper shredder, shredded the teeth on a plastic gear, rendering it inoperable junk. Bought from Costco.

Royal 1212x paper shredder, shredded the teeth on a plastic gear, rendering it inoperable junk. Bought from Costco.

Friend David brought me his broken Royal 1212x paper shredder. The motor runs but the shredding teeth no longer turn. He bought it from Costco for about $100. As with other “Made in China” shredders I’ve taken apart, I suspected a plastic gear broke. In this case the plastic gear slowly shredded its internal teeth, leaving the shredder motionless, useless and broken. This shredder is still available on Amazon and other places, so it is still for sale. I suspect that other shredders from the same brand have the same internal components.

Bohdi Linux Legacy 4.2.0 Installation Failure

It should have been easy. After all, I had successfully installed its base components on another partition, but no, it did not go well. I have an old P3 800, 500mb ram desktop of circa 2003 vintage, so 14 years old. Bohdi Linux is supposed to be a lightweight distro for old computers. It did not install very well on my old biddy.

Bohdi Linux 4.2.0 Legacy is 32 bit and runs on a base of Debian Linux 8 or 9, with an Enlightenment E17 desktop environment. On top of this Bohdi Linux packages things up, adds its own flavouring and spices, and is supposed to be a low spec distro. Here are its install requirements:

A Project Manager Forsees Bad Project Ending

As an experience project manager I often see the planning of projects before they start the actual work. Often I can predict when a project will go off the rails before it actually happens. Small red flags dot my brain and the warning lights go off. If I feel I have a duty, a gentle reminder is extended. Most of the time the leader feels more than capable of running the project to completion. My advice is relegated to the garbage pile of idiot verbiage and life goes on. I then sit back and watch the train wreck become reality. It is all so unnecessary.