Royal 1212x paper shredder, shredded the teeth on a plastic gear, rendering it inoperable junk. Bought from Costco.
Friend David brought me his broken Royal 1212x paper shredder. The motor runs but the shredding teeth no longer turn. He bought it from Costco for about $100. As with other “Made in China” shredders I’ve taken apart, I suspected a plastic gear broke. In this case the plastic gear slowly shredded its internal teeth, leaving the shredder motionless, useless and broken. This shredder is still available on Amazon and other places, so it is still for sale. I suspect that other shredders from the same brand have the same internal components.
Black and Decker Steam Advantage Iron, F1000 type 1, has a terrible reputation for usability and reliability. Diana’s iron does not work as the safety features prematurely turn the iron off.
She was miffed, friend Diana, in Toronto, Canada, that her newly purchased Black and Decker Steam Advantage Iron, F1000 type 1, was acting up. It was prematurely shutting down, a supposed safety feature that belied the task of actual ironing. This seems similar to PC anti-virus software that so overtaxes the PC such that it cripples even simple and small mouse movements. She asked me to look into it.
Kids will be kids, in that they buy stuff, play with stuff, and then eventually break stuff. My job is to repair the stuff they break. Which brings me to the Ripstik casterboard. There are three variations: Classic, Ripster, Ripstik G, and the DLX. My local group, which includes my Little Weed, rides on Classic, G, and DLX models. Two of their G models broke in the same manner, with two different boys, of different weights. My advice for Ripstik buyers is to steer clear of the G model. I apologize to all for y 6 month delay in posting this info, but I was distracted by work.