Tag: fraud

China’s Salmon..Might be Rainbow Trout

China, for domestic consumption, recently decided to reclassify rainbow trout and related species as salmon. Once filleted and placed on a plate the two look very similar, but are completely different fish.

Salmon are born in fresh water but then live a good majority of their lives in the ocean. Salmon only return to fresh water to breed and then die. Rainbow trout live their whole lives in fresh water. These two are completely different fish.

There is a lot of fraud in China. The articles hint that much of what is sold in China as salmon has for years been rainbow trout, grown in aquaculture farms in Qinghai Province, far, far from the ocean. This fraud cheats Chinese people.

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Manulife blacklist of health services providers provided in PDF but all pages are images. You therefore cannot copy or search the 22 pages.

Manulife blacklist of health services providers provided in PDF but all pages are images. You therefore cannot copy or search the 22 pages.

Our insurer, Manulife, has a list of health service providers, available on PDF, that are black listed. If you use any of them Manulife will not reimburse you. These companies go back to 2015. My doctor has recommended a provider near my house, so I wanted to check if the provider was blacklisted.

Rampant Online Ad Fraud and Bot Activity

Ad fraud software in action. Target website, randomized referrers, browser agents and proxy IP addresses. That is enough to spoof anti-bot software.

Ad fraud software in action. Target website, randomized referrers, browser agents and proxy IP addresses. That is enough to spoof anti-bot software.

It is no secret that I battle and ban bad bots on my site. If a bot is not a well known search engine or provides me some type of service then I usually ban it. Sure it can visit my site, but it will receive a blank page. But why do they visit? Who is paying them? Welcome to the world of Online Ad Fraud.

Bell Internet Bandwidth Gauge Not Accurate

Our home internet service provider here in Toronto, Canada, is Bell Canada. I received an email from Bell at 10:01 telling me we are at 90% of our limit, and have 8.2G left. This email is not uncommon and I expect it on heavy months. Usually 8.2G should last us at least 2 days. At 12:30 I receive another email stating that we are now 350M over our limit.

What the hell!?! During that time I was having lunch and not even on the computer, and there is no one else in the house. This sounds fraudulent.

Using the Internet to Cheat Consumers

Mike Holmes exudes credibility because of his knowledge and actions, not because of a slick web site.

Mike Holmes exudes credibility because of his knowledge and actions, not because of a slick web site.

Home renovations shows are useful to me because they educate the public in the care and feeding of your home. Like any system, homes need maintenance and upkeep. Knowing what to do can prevent major damage and expense in the long run. On occasion, these seemingly mundane shows highlight issues that stick to me. Recently Mike Holmes, from “Homes on Holmes” and “Holmes Inspection” lamented that one of his customers found a contractor online, thought the guy was legit and handed him $25,000CAD for a basement renovation. This legit contractor subcontracted out and created a structural and aesthetic disaster of dangerous quality. Mike’s conclusion: You can’t find a legit contractor from a web site. I agree with him.