Tag: map exercise

China, Chaoyang District: Virtual Tourist

I‘m on yet another virtual tour, this time in China’s capital city Beijing, Chaoyang district. I would not say that it is a nice part of town, just typical of Beijing. The Chaoyang District is in the South-East corner of the city.

China, Beijing City, Chaoyang District, Jinchan South Lane #9
中国,北京市 ,朝阳区,金蝉南里-9号楼

GPS: 39.861362, 116.502227 (not useful in China)
Plus Code: 8PFRVG62+GV (even more useless in China)
As is typical with a Chinese map, there is no coordinate system points (national security)

China, Beijing City, Chaoyang District, Jinchan South Lane #9 中国,北京市 ,朝阳区,金蝉南里-9号楼, Baidu Street View

China, Beijing City, Chaoyang District, Jinchan South Lane #9 中国,北京市 ,朝阳区,金蝉南里-9号楼, Baidu Street View

Jing Teng Chinese Restaurant, Mexico City: Mapping Exercise

Jing Teng Chinese Restaurant, Mexico City, 19.399062,-99.131813, Google Maps, Street View

Jing Teng Chinese Restaurant, Mexico City, 19.399062,-99.131813, Google Maps, Street View

A friend sent me his GPS coordinates from Mexico City. I thought I’d verify that both GPS and Google Maps works as intended.

Plus Code: 76F29VX9+J7
GPS: 19.399062,-99.131813

境腾港式茶餐厅 jing4teng gang3shi4 can1ting1
Jing Teng
Sur 65-A 3256, Viaducto Piedad, Iztacalco, 08200 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

It is a bit odd that the restaurant’s sixth character seems to be written incorrectly on the large blue sign, but is written properly on the white cloth sign above it. The blue sign only used the top right side of the character for “餐” can1.