Tag: prostitute

Google Translate Faux Pas error: My niece is not a prostitute

Google Translate error: My nephew and the prostitute came, should really be My nephew and niece came. GT substituted 侄女, zhinu or niece, for 妓女, jinu or prostitute.

Google Translate error: My nephew and the prostitute came, should really be My nephew and niece came. GT substituted 侄女, zhinu or niece, for 妓女, jinu or prostitute.

I love Google translate, as it helps me translate new words. I do not rely on it for most words or comprehension. Usually it is pretty good, but at times it really misses even the rough meaning. In this rare case, Google Translate changed the meaning to something completely bizarre. My niece is not a prostitute, Mr Google. She would smack you hard if she could find you.