Google Translate Faux Pas error: My niece is not a prostitute

Google Translate error: My nephew and the prostitute came, should really be My nephew and niece came. GT substituted 侄女, zhinu or niece, for 妓女, jinu or prostitute.

Google Translate error: My nephew and the prostitute came, should really be My nephew and niece came. GT substituted 侄女, zhinu or niece, for 妓女, jinu or prostitute.

I love Google translate, as it helps me translate new words. I do not rely on it for most words or comprehension. Usually it is pretty good, but at times it really misses even the rough meaning. In this rare case, Google Translate changed the meaning to something completely bizarre. My niece is not a prostitute, Mr Google. She would smack you hard if she could find you.

Sǎozi hé zhínǚ láile. Wǒ zuò de wǎnfàn

is translated to “The nephew and the prostitute came. My dinner”. GT read 侄女, zhinu or niece, and substituted 妓女, jinu or prostitute. My niece would be most upset if you called her a prostitute. The proper translation is “My nephew and niece came. I made dinner.”

Google Translate error: My nephew and the prostitute came, should really be My nephew and niece came. GT substituted 侄女, zhinu or niece, for 妓女, jinu or prostitute.

Google Translate error: My nephew and the prostitute came, should really be My nephew and niece came. GT substituted 侄女, zhinu or niece, for 妓女, jinu or prostitute.

GT did translate 侄女, niece, correctly on its own, so I do not know why the character combination made it err so badly. For the record GT did translate 妓女, jinu or prostitute, correctly.

Google Translate error: My nephew and the prostitute came, should really be My nephew and niece came. GT substituted 侄女, zhinu or niece, for 妓女, jinu or prostitute. Separated, GT did properly translate niece.

Google Translate error: My nephew and the prostitute came, should really be My nephew and niece came. GT substituted 侄女, zhinu or niece, for 妓女, jinu or prostitute. Separated, GT did properly translate niece.

Google Translate does a good job with 妓女, jinu or prostitute.

Google Translate does a good job with 妓女, jinu or prostitute.

Some improvement is required. Please do not rely completely on Google Translate unless you can handle unexpected results.

Google Translate error Chinese to English: Black ghost 黑鬼 is translated to Nigga. This is not a reasonable translation.

Google Translate error Chinese to English: Black ghost 黑鬼 is translated to Nigga. This is not a reasonable translation.

Chinese people in China and Hong Kong use the character ghost 鬼 to describe white 白鬼 and black people 黑鬼。While we in the West feel this is derogatory, the Chinese do not feel this is an insult. The translation of heigui 黑鬼 into “Nigga”, suggests a combination of nigger and a bit of hip and young influence. A more appropriate translation should be “Black person”, or at the very least the more literal “Black ghost”. It sounds like some young and hip Chinese person did the translation and thought this would be funny.

Google Translate error Chinese to English: Black ghost 黑鬼 is translated to Nigga, but White ghost 白鬼 is translated properly. This is a reasonable translation.

Google Translate error Chinese to English: Black ghost 黑鬼 is translated to Nigga, but White ghost 白鬼 is translated properly. This is a reasonable translation.

There is obviously some race bias here. White and black people should be treated equally.

Google Translate error from the Chinese song Take it Off 脱掉, repeats a single character 12 times and ignores the rest of the sentence

Google Translate error from the Chinese song Take it Off 脱掉, repeats a single character 12 times and ignores the rest of the sentence

The phrase “浑身上下清爽凉快 活着多美好 Húnshēn shang xià qīngshuǎng liángkuai,huózhe duō měihǎo” I translated to “All over Refreshing and cool, How beautiful to be alive”, was all but ignored after the first character. The component sentences translate without error but not very correctly.

Google Translate error from the Chinese song Take it Off 脱掉, repeats a single character 12 times and ignores the rest of the sentence. Component sentences translate without error

Google Translate error from the Chinese song Take it Off 脱掉, repeats a single character 12 times and ignores the rest of the sentence. Component sentences translate without error

“我堂姐少女时代就放鸭子” I translate to “When my cousin was a young girl, she raised ducks”. Google translated this to “I will put ducks in my cousin girlhood.”. Really, I don’t think you should be putting any birds into anyone’s girlhood, cousin or not.

Google Translation error: I will put ducks in my cousin girlhood.

Google Translation error: I will put ducks in my cousin girlhood.

“闺女“ guinü, is daughter, or unmarried girl in Mandarin. Google translates this into “prostitute”

Google Translate error 闺女 guinü is daughter, not prostitute. This is offensive.

Google Translate error 闺女 guinü is daughter, not prostitute. This is offensive.

“宅男“ zhainan, a Chinese word, is translated into the Japanese “Otaku”. Should not there be an English translation?

zhainan is 宅男, which refers to a type of men who prefer staying home to going out for fun. This group of people are usually thought to be male online gamers. It’s a popular slang in China. source

Google Translation error for 宅男 zhainan, displays the Japanese word Otaku. Is there no English translation? Google Translate

Google Translation error for 宅男 zhainan, displays the Japanese word Otaku. Is there no English translation? Google Translate

A student sent me this: 我就是联想能力不行 My word association capability (联想能力) is not good. Google Translate returned “I’m not good at Lenovo”, haha, and who is?

Google Translate error: 我就是联想能力不行 My word association capability is not good, was translated to I'm not good at Lenovo

Google Translate error: 我就是联想能力不行 My word association capability is not good, was translated to
I’m not good at Lenovo

2021 Nov 11: Here is a grammar and meaning error: 睡不着就找狗子和他兄弟玩, “Can’t sleep, then find a dog and his brother to play with”. Instead Google translated to “If you can’t sleep, find the dog to play with his brother.

Google Translate error: 睡不着就找狗子和他兄弟玩, should translate to 《Can't sleep, then find a dog and his brother to play with》。

Google Translate error: 睡不着就找狗子和他兄弟玩, should translate to 《Can’t sleep, then find a dog and his brother to play with》。

2022 Jan 28: “A Mandarin spoke mandarin when she bought a bottle of mandarin soda” I translate this to “一位高干说国语买一瓶桔子汽水“. The Google translates this to “A Mandarin language spoke Mandarin language when she bought a Mandarin language soda.

Google Translate Error: A Mandarin spoke mandarin when she bought a bottle of mandarin soda

Google Translate Error: A Mandarin spoke mandarin when she bought a bottle of mandarin soda

2022 Mar 16 “She’s trying her style of bangs (hair style)” This is a HK style of saying bangs, written as “她在式她的棒子”. Google translates this to “she’s doing her dick”

Google Translate error. Original was 'she's doing her style of bangs (hair style)'

Google Translate error. Original was ‘she’s doing her style of bangs (hair style)’

The speaker is from Hong Kong, where they use a lot of Chinese words that are similar to English. For example “bangs” was translated to the Chinese ”棒子 bang4zi1“ or stick, which sounds like hair bangs. The actual translation of hair bangs is “刘海 liu2hai3”.

2022 Oct 09 Qian1kun1 should translate into universe, or heaven and earth. Google Translate has no translation for this, but does recognize the characters. Baidu translates this properly, but you need to know Chinese to use it.

Google Translate does not properly translate qian1kun1, Chinese for Universe, Heaven and Earth

Google Trans;late does not properly translate qian1kun1, Chinese for Universe, Heaven and Earth

Baidi Translate does a proper job of translating qian1kun1, Universe, or Heaven and Earth, whereas Google Translate makes an error

Baidi Translate does a proper job of translating qian1kun1, Universe, or Heaven and Earth, whereas Google Translate makes an error

娘炮 niang2pao1 is translated by Baidu as “sissy boy”, but Google translates it as “so gay”, haha!

Google Translate error. Niangpao in Chinese is sissy boy, but Google translates it to 'so gay'

Google Translate error. Niangpao in Chinese is sissy boy, but Google translates it to ‘so gay’

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