There is an ongoing debate as to how to lose weight. The calorie restriction method says to eat less. The Hormone theory says this is too simplistic and advocates fasting, or time restricted eating. Which is correct?
Calorie Theory
Fat = calories in – calories out
This equation is critical to the calorie Theory
The calorie theory says that to reduce fat you need to reduce calories in (what you eat) to less than calories out (what you burn). People are encouraged to eat less in order to lose weight. For example if you eat 100 units and burn 200 units, your body will then use 100 units of fat to make up for the shortfall, and you will lose weight.
Flippant, I was, when I was younger, when I said the way to reduce your weight is to simply eat less. In a way I was right, but in my naivety I did not know the complexity of the problem. Age has a way of providing more wisdom to the problem. It turns out that I am not alone, as the percentage of obese people in the Western world is now alarming and rising. This is a big problem that needs to be solved.
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To Diet and Lose Weight: Not As Easy As Reduced Intake
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