Tag: fake

Counterfeit Canadian $2 Coin from China

China is without a doubt the fake manufacturer of the world. They can counterfeit almost anything. Here in Canada the newest item I’ve found is the Canadian $2 coin, commonly called a toonie.

Look for the right paw of the polar bear, where the toes splay out like a camel.

Fake counterfeit Canadian $2 coin, or toonie, Made in China. Look at the splayed right toe of the polar bear, or camel toe

Fake counterfeit Canadian $2 coin, or toonie, Made in China. Look at the splayed right toe of the polar bear, or camel toe

Real Canadian $2 coin, or toonie

Real Canadian $2 coin, or toonie

Please be aware and examine all toonies you receive. It looks like these are common now.

Fake DMCA Copyright Infringement Notices

I’m getting these fake DMCA infringement notices asking me to download some random file. Two are from a US accounting firm and one is from Netsuite. They stink to high heaven of scam. Do not click and download their link. It is probably a virus of some kind. Going through some of my websites as comments is new, but the methods are old.

I’ll probably add more as they come in. So far from: Mailchimp.com, intuit.com, zoho.com, netsuite, xero, freshbooks.com

From: Kenneth
Subject: *.ca Dmca Copyright Infringement Notice 2022 May 24

Message Body:

Fake KN95 Face Mask: MaynaLucy Footwear Company, Dongguan, China

Maynalucy Footwear Co Ltd, company address, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Houjie Town, Jinshun Heng Road #1, Room 101, KN95 face mask, right side

Maynalucy Footwear Co Ltd, company address, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Houjie Town, Jinshun Heng Road #1, Room 101, KN95 face mask, right side

My poor Mum bought some fake KN95 masks from a friend of a family member. The masks are physically small, meaning they probably have insufficient coverage. Chinese made, and completely fake. This is a waste of money and dangerous in that it might offer minimal protection against CoVid-19.

The package of 10 KN95 masks came in a bag with a zip-lock type closure. There is a single paper label inserted into the bag. The masks only have “KN95″ embossed on both sides, with no company logo or name, and no Chinese “GB” product certificate number. such as “GB2626-2019”

Pacific Mall on US 2017 Notorious Markets List for Global Piracy

Pacific Mall, the epicenter of the North Toronto, Scarborough and Markham Chinese locale, made the United States Trade Representative 2017 Special 301 Out-of-Cycle Review of Notorious Markets.

United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer today announced the findings of the 2017 Special 301 Out-of-Cycle Review of Notorious Markets, also known as the Notorious Markets List (List). The List highlights 25 online markets and 18 physical markets around the world that are reported to be engaging in and facilitating substantial copyright piracy and trademark counterfeiting.

Subway’s Deceitful Chicken Outed

Subway Canada's chicken, raised without antibiotics, also found to contain only 53% chicken DNA. The rest is soy DNA. Our family will not be eating there again.

Subway Canada’s chicken, raised without antibiotics, also found to contain only 53% chicken DNA. The rest is soy DNA. Our family will not be eating there again.

Loved their cold cut subs, I do, but this is not the first but the second time that I have seen deceit from Subway. It is time for our family to no longer eat at this fast food chain. This time the CBC researched various fast food chains for their chicken sandwiches. Even accounting for additives such as spices, most chicken came out at 88% chicken DNA. Subway’s oven roasted chicken came out at 53% and their chicken fingers came out at 43%. The remaining DNA was soy. Soy. Really? That is just fraudulent.