“Do 5-30 good technique reps that take 2-9 seconds in mulitiple sets, taking those sets close to failure where the target muscle is the limiting factor, and repeat this approach as often as you are recovered enough to do so”
Dr Mike Israetel
So much knowledge is wrapped up in this one sentence. While it is not perfect, follow this, to the letter when you can, and you will go far in gaining strength and muscle. There is more “embellishment” required to be complete, so watch the video and then think about it.
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How to Build Muscle In Strength Training, In one sentence
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Scarf joint with a wedge, in wood.
I have seen this joint in old wooden barns and houses in Britain on TV, and always wondered how and why it was done. Was it difficult to do? A random youtube video showed me how. While I do not build houses, from an engineering viewpoint it is educational to understand why it is so strong. No sources state the origins of this joint.
The scarf joint is elegant and also strong. The joint can be planed down flush. There is a lot of long grain glue surface area.