Tag: download

2025 Chinese Calendar – Monthly in PDF

Chinese calendar with lunar dates, monthly, January, graphics manipulation by Don Tai

Chinese calendar with lunar dates, monthly, January, graphics manipulation by Don Tai

We were looking for a simple 2025 Chinese calendar, a single page per month, but could not easily find one. There are a couple of Calendars that have special Chinese calendar dates written on the bottom of the actual calendar, but did not show the Chinese lunar dates 农历 within each day box, which is not good for us.

Saving PSB Images from Chinese QQ QZone Wall

Chinese QQ QZone's photo image display javascript gets in the way of saving large images

Chinese QQ QZone’s photo image display javascript gets in the way of saving large images

On Chinese QQ QZone people have walls similar to FB. QZone uses an image display script in your browser. If the image is large when you right click and you can save the image as .PSB or .JPG, but it will not render in your browser, as .PSB is an unknown file type. I believe QQ’s javascript manipulated the image so you can zoom and move around, but this gets in the way if you want to see the original pic and zoom for yourself.

Bell Canada Fibe to the Side of My House = No Service Upgrade

I have Bell Fibe 15/10 on twisted pair into my house, Toronto, Ontario, but the upload speed is .67mbps of the advertised 10mbps. This summer Bell trenched my street to install fiber optic cable. They left the fiber optic cable zip tied to the side of my house. After 2 months wait I am trying to find out when Bell will install fiber optic into my house so I can get 10mbps upload, but they cannot give me an answer. photo by Don Tai

I have Bell Fibe 15/10 on twisted pair into my house, Toronto, Ontario, but the upload speed is .67mbps of the advertised 10mbps. This summer Bell trenched my street to install fiber optic cable. They left the fiber optic cable zip tied to the side of my house. After 2 months wait I am trying to find out when Bell will install fiber optic into my house so I can get 10mbps upload, but they cannot give me an answer. photo by Don Tai

College English Test 4 for China: Word List 大学英语考试四级单词列表下载

This test list was developed for my niece in China, to help her prepare for her upcoming university English Exam, called the CET-4, or College English Test 4, National College English Teaching Syllabuses (NCETS). You can download it, and use it in a spreadsheet program in order to test students.

这个单词列表是给我的外甥女帮助她学习她的大学英语考试四级在中国。 你可以下载和扩大它。 它是个电子表格。 这个单词列表有3,591单子你可以学。原来这个单词列表是4个叶,我放在一起了。 你可以随机化,所以每一次你学习,你的表是不同的。过长时间你肯定都学。

我搜不了个大学英语考试标准的标准的单测列表,不知道要是这个标完全。 重复法的和宗教的已经删除了。


Android 2.2: Install older Firefox Browser

Careless was I when I somehow inadvertently deleted Firefox from my old Google Nexus One, which has Android 2.2. No matter, go to the Google Play/Android market store and download it, right? Not so fast. It turns out as of Jan 2015 Firefox has dropped support for Android 2.2 and ARMV6 devices, and Firefox is no longer available for my Android version. Google Chrome for Android is only available for Android 4 and newer, so not available for me.

Bell Fibe 15/10 Review, Scarborough, ON, Canada

After 11 years with Rogers we pulled the internet plug and are trying Bell. Yes, there have been problems with the Bell installation, but if you know Toronto, Rogers and Bell you should have expected problems, and I did. In summary Bell Fibe does work, sort of, but my upload speed is no more than .7 MBps, 7% of what they told me I would get. There is also nothing I can do increase the upload speed. Apparently because I live 1.2 km from the central office the upload speed cannot increase, yet they did not tell me this when I signed up. I have been a Bell landline phone customer for 15 years, so they should be fully aware of my location.