Category: food

Subway’s Deceitful Chicken Outed

Subway Canada's chicken, raised without antibiotics, also found to contain only 53% chicken DNA. The rest is soy DNA. Our family will not be eating there again.

Subway Canada’s chicken, raised without antibiotics, also found to contain only 53% chicken DNA. The rest is soy DNA. Our family will not be eating there again.

Loved their cold cut subs, I do, but this is not the first but the second time that I have seen deceit from Subway. It is time for our family to no longer eat at this fast food chain. This time the CBC researched various fast food chains for their chicken sandwiches. Even accounting for additives such as spices, most chicken came out at 88% chicken DNA. Subway’s oven roasted chicken came out at 53% and their chicken fingers came out at 43%. The remaining DNA was soy. Soy. Really? That is just fraudulent.

Price Chopper Canada Honours Scanner Price Accuracy Code

Price Chopper at Brimley/Huntingwood, Toronto, Ontario,Canada, now closed but not forgotten

Price Chopper at Brimley/Huntingwood, Toronto, Ontario,Canada, now closed but not forgotten

There is a marked difference between a company policy and their practice. Companies love to post their policies touting their honesty. Fair enough, but more importantly, when a customer wishes to exercise the policy, does the store truly stand behind the propaganda? Today I am happy to say that Price Chopper Canada, part of the Sobey’s chain, did uphold their Scanner Price Accuracy Code, at the cost of $4.99CAD, or the price of a 500 sheet of paper napkins. I thank Price Chopper Canada for their honesty.

Teach Platy Tropical Fish to eat Vegetables

Platy tropical fish learn to eat their vegetables. Toronto, Canada, Photo1 by Don Tai

Platy tropical fish learn to eat their vegetables. Toronto, Canada, Photo1 by Don Tai

Eeat they do, after learning that the green wavy thing in their tank is edible, and that it tastes good, too. Yes, young tropical fish need to learn, on their own, that vegetables are edible and good for them. Unfortunately there is little in terms of communications, that one can do to actively teach them. As with my past goldfish, my six platies, 2 males and 4 females, after a few days, have learned on their own. There are a few tips.

Burnbrae Farms 30 Eggs: Inferior Packaging

Burnbrae 30 large egg flatpack does not provide support for the top of the egg, resulting in breakage. The flimsy outer cardboard shell is not thick or sturdy enough for sufficient protection. Toronto, Canada. Photo4 by Don Tai

Burnbrae 30 large egg flatpack does not provide support for the top of the egg, resulting in breakage. The flimsy outer cardboard shell is not thick or sturdy enough for sufficient protection. Toronto, Canada. Photo4 by Don Tai

Eat we do, eggs, all the time, especially Little Weed. He likes the one a day first thing. Eggs are a really concentrated burst of energy that I gladly provide him. Thusly, we go through a lot of eggs each week. NoFrills had a 30 flat pack on sale, but after checking the eggs for damage found that most of them had at least 1 cracked egg. The packaging is not a good design. I prefer the old style. Who wishes to buy cracked or crushed eggs? Not I.

Cucumber Beetle in our Jiecai: Macro Photo

Spotted Cucumber Beetle, Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi, found on our jiecai, from our local Chinese store. I believe there is poo coming out of its butt. Toronto, Canada. Photo by Don Tai

Spotted Cucumber Beetle, Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi, found on our jiecai, from our local Chinese store. I believe there is poo coming out of its butt. Toronto, Canada. Photo by Don Tai

Icky maybe, but if insects are eating your vegetables, then it must be healthy to eat. These are photos the Spotted Cucumber Beetle, Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi, spotted on our Chinese vegetables, jiecai, a leafy green, from the local Chinese store. It was dead.

Cabbage Looper in our Broccoli: Macro Photo

We found a cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni), a member of the moth family Noctuidae, in our broccoli. At least we know that broccoli from the Chinese store is fresh, and has more protein than you think! Yum!

Macro shot of a cabbage looper found in our broccoli. Toronto, Canada, photo by Don Tai

Macro shot of a cabbage looper found in our broccoli. Toronto, Canada, photo by Don Tai

Macro shot of a cabbage looper found in our broccoli. Toronto, Canada, photo2 by Don Tai

Macro shot of a cabbage looper found in our broccoli. Toronto, Canada, photo2 by Don Tai

Macro shot of a cabbage looper found in our broccoli. Toronto, Canada, photo3 by Don Tai

Macro shot of a cabbage looper found in our broccoli. Toronto, Canada, photo3 by Don Tai

Pressure Cooking Pork Ribs: Great Cooking Method

Pressure cooked pork ribs, Toronto, Canada. Photo by Don Tai

Pressure cooked pork ribs, Toronto, Canada. Photo by Don Tai

Meat, always seems to be on Little Weed’s mind. As parents we know this, so when NoFrills offered pork ribs for $1.99/lb there was no question we would be going home with a sizable hunk of pig. But how to cook it, Eschewing the usual 3 hr bake time, the pressure cooker did it in 25 minutes, followed by a sauce glaze and 20 minutes in a 400 degree oven. It came out great.

2016 Honda Fit vs Mouse: Toronto Canada

Surprised, I was, that mice seem to really like my 2016 Honda Fit, in Toronto, Canada, and I am not alone. There was evidence of infiltration into the car, and I was not willing to give them a pass. Vermin, tell your friends.

2016 Honda Fit: 4, Mouse: 0

It seems like in their efforts to improve ecology the Honda engineers have opted to use soy based coating on electrical cables, foam, and other items that used to be plastic-based. There are numerous complaints of mice eating away at electrical systems, causing much heartache to car owners.

Evil Rice Weevil

Rice weevil found in my Rooster brand fragrant rice. Imported from Thailand. Photo by Don Tai

Rice weevil found in my Rooster brand fragrant rice. Imported from Thailand. Photo by Don Tai

Appearing in our fragrant rice, these rice weevils. I saw a dead one in recently cooked rice. This one was alive as I was scooping rice out. The are 2mm long and crawl.

We buy Rooster brand jasmine rice, or fragrant rice, from Thailand. Apparently they can survive for up to 2 years, but are killed by heat of 60C for 15 minutes, which my rice cooker certainly does. Apparently they are harmless.

What Beats Beats? Beets

Beets clearly beats Beats, especially if you like to eat sweets. Beets, or 甜菜 tiancai, in Chinese, are obviously a sweet (the chinese character 甜 means sweet) vegetable.

I nuked a couple for 8 minutes, peeled the skin and they were sweet. The water is blood red.

Beets, bookending a fake copy of Beats. Photo by Don Tai

Beets, bookending a fake copy of Beats. Photo by Don Tai