TD Canada Trust ATM Usability error, makes my withdrawal much longer
Cash withdrawals from the ATM should be fast and easy. At TD Canada Trust they had set up a “Most Frequent” transaction button, which I like. I hit the button, receive my cash, take my card and slip, and I’m done. A couple of months ago things changed, which now makes the transaction longer and more complex. I am not amused.
When I withdraw cash from the ATM I usually take out $200CAD, programmed as my “Most Frequent” transaction, which is given to me as 10 $20CAD bills. Recently TD Canada Trust started giving me 2 $50CAD and 5 $20CAD bills. The $50CAD bills are disliked in the stores.
Fruit d’Or cranberries: packaging does not state Made in Canada, or Product of Canada. I almost did not buy it due to an unknown country of origin. Photo 1 by Don Tai
We are particular with the country of origin of our food. If I don’t see it clearly on the package I hesitate, which usually means I put it back on the shelf. Fruit d’Or Cranberries almost did not make it to our home, even though these cranberries are grown and packaged in Canada, it does not explicitly state this on the package. Not only did I miss this, but my wife also missed it. Please, follow the industry standards and Government of Canada guidelines and state “Made in Canada” or “Product of Canada”.
United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer today announced the findings of the 2017 Special 301 Out-of-Cycle Review of Notorious Markets, also known as the Notorious Markets List (List). The List highlights 25 online markets and 18 physical markets around the world that are reported to be engaging in and facilitating substantial copyright piracy and trademark counterfeiting.
I was at my local Walmart today, in Toronto, Canada. Two customers in front of me was an elderly woman who had, in her cart a variety of soft goods items such as a small rug, a shirt, some toothpaste, but also some groceries such as eggs, and a 4L bag of milk. Unfortunately her credit card was denied, so she left her products at the checkout and walked away.
China, Beijing, Daxing, Xinjian Cun, where the government has destroyed the neighbourhood of migrant workers and evicted everyone. South Gate
A large fire in a Beijing 北京市 suburb Xinjian Cun 新建村, in the Daxing District 大兴区 that killed 17 people, has prompted Beijing authorities to urgently begin investigations into illegal buildings, resulting in the destruction of a Beijing suburb called Xinjian Cun. Most of the residents there are migrant workers, have had a difficult time finding new accommodations. Their businesses and buildings have been bulldozed. The migrant workers have been told to go back to their villages. This, a forced mass expulsion of Chinese people, from a Chinese city, and in the middle of winter.
I’m in MEC looking for a windshell and arrive at the cycling section. They have a lower and upper rack. You need to be at least 6′ tall in order to get items on the upper rack, ones that hang on a clothes hanger. I had to go to the nearby canoeing section in order to “borrow” a canoe paddle so I could retrieve items from the upper rack.
When customers need to scour your store for tools in order to retrieve your merchandise, that does not promote a positive impression of your store.
With our very large Chinese community here in Toronto, Canada, we have some pretty large Chinese grocery stores. Frankly I am surprised that there are so few Chinese to English translation mistakes. Here is one, from a local Chinese store flyer for Hong Tai Supermarket.
Fresh Butter Free Running Chicken 新鲜U-级黄油走地鸡 from our local Chinese grocery store Hong Tai.
RCA fridge RFR322 died after only 5 months of use. What a waste of money and natural resources. Photo 1 by Don Tai
We humans need to do much better than this. My neighbour bought an RCA RFR322 student fridge, 3.2 cubic foot, Made in China, from Walmart. After a mere 5 months is stopped working. The manufacture of appliances such as a fridge takes a lot of natural resources, and if the appliance dies shortly after not only is it a waste of money but also of natural resources. We, as a species, need to stop making these mistakes.
Adidas Evolution EVN 791001 in white, tonguectomy and repair of leather split near the little toe. Toronto, Canada. Photo 1 by Don Tai
She has a pair of Adidas Evolution EVN 791001 leather running shoes, but the tongue was too thick and there was a cut in the leather on the toe cap, left foot and near the baby toe, D5. Here is how I repaired it. These shoes are made in China but are solidly built. Unfortunately there was some quality control issues with the split leather.